To the question of formation of intercultural communicative competence in professional education




intercultural communication, competence, intercultural communicative competence, linguistic identity


Formation of intercultural communicative competence in a future specialist is an urgent problem of modern professional education. Problems of training graduates of higher educational institutions who are able to solve communicative and professional tasks in an international context are considered in the article from the position of competence-based approach. It is shown that intercultural communicative competence has an integrative nature and it is a complex interdisciplinary problem. The structure and components of intercultural communicative competence, its cultural and anthropological aspect, which is no less important than the linguistic one, are analyzed. It is substantiated that competence-based approach sets the goal for teaching foreign languages to form a linguistic personality capable of going beyond their own culture, but saving own cultural identity. The European experience in the formation of competencies that an applicant for education must master in order to be able to communicate productively in a foreign language in a broad social and professional context is analyzed. It is concluded that in order to form intercultural communicative competence among students of non-linguistic specialties, it is necessary to improve methods of teaching foreign language, to acquaint students with history, modern reality, culture, way of life, and style of behavior of the country which language is being studied. It is also advisable to include elective disciplines in the curricula such as basics of theory of intercultural communication, theory of discourse, theory of argumentation, etc.


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How to Cite

Sereda, A. (2022). To the question of formation of intercultural communicative competence in professional education. New Collegium, 1(107), 91–96.


