The importance of the teacher’s role in the formation of a multicultural humanitarian and technical elite of the globalized worl


  • O. Lapuzina Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine
  • N. Severyn Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine



education, educational process, specialist, preparatory faculty for foreign citizens, personal and professional qualities of a teacher


The article is aimed at studying the role of the teacher at the initial stage of teaching international students as a subject of the educational process and analysis of modern requirements for teachers, which forms a new generation of ethical technicians.

In today’s world, education is a necessary factor in human progress, socio-economic development and global competitiveness. Higher education institutions teach students who will soon be able to operate independently in today’s economy. The development of the Ukrainian economy depends on the quality of training. The quality education and upbringing of a responsible, ethically literate personality of a specialist depends on the teacher, who is the central figure in the educational process.

A multicultural audience deals with students’ diverse backgrounds in terms of mother tongue, ethnicity and culture. In the process of teaching and learning, diversity is taken into account when deciding on appropriate educational strategies. The National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" conducted a set of applied research in the field of training of foreign citizens.

Observational data are analyzed descriptively using innovative teaching methods of international students, and it can be concluded that the study will contribute to the formation of spiritually rich, highly educated professionals in various technical fields. Moreover, the results of this study show that teachers still play a significant role in the multicultural classroom.

Therefore, teachers of foreign language training faculties should have knowledge of the peculiarities of students’ national culture, mentality and etiquette, religious traditions. It will help mitigate the rapid immersion of foreigners in the socio-cultural and linguistic environment of Ukraine. At the same time, among the professional qualities of a modern teacher, the innovative type of thinking, the ability to see and predict probable prospects for the development of applied technologies, as well as active independent research activities are of particular importance.


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How to Cite

Lapuzina, O., & Severyn, N. (2022). The importance of the teacher’s role in the formation of a multicultural humanitarian and technical elite of the globalized worl. New Collegium, 1(107), 68–76.


