The teacher, which not receive a marks


  • O. Ponomariow Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”, Ukraine
  • M. Cheremsky Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”, Ukraine



humane pedagogics, authoritarian pedagogics, education withaut marks, education from position of pupil


Shalva Amonashvili are prominent Georgian teacher and psychologist and organizer of experiment of «education without marks». He are defending ideals of humane pedagogics. Amonashvili are criticizing authoritarian pedagogics for lack of attention to personality. He are criticizing imperative influence of mark. The marks are evokes anxiety in children. Therefore Amonashvili not receive a marks. He are building education from position of pupil. Children are free expressing own opinion. They not afraid to play pranks. Amonashvili treat with respect to little imps. They are cheerful and clever children. Little imps are dreamers and creators. They are helping others to be playful and active children. Amonashvili are regarding to children as to assistants. He are consulting with pupils about decision of various problems. Amonashvili are democratic teacher. The discussion is basis of relation between teacher and pupil. Children not afraid to discuss with teacher. Amonashvili taking an interest to out of school life of pupils. The child's passions are in focus attention of teacher. Amonashvili are discovering talents in child's passions. The school is not using creative potential of child. Because teachers are building education on cramming. Therefore the pupils not study to think and to create. Child must to develop all his inner reserves. Amonashvili against orientation of education only on memory of child. The creative development of child is very important condition of education. Therefore the teacher must to build of education on creative basis. Children must to invent tales, poems and sums. Amonashvili are seeing modern education as creative co-operation between teacher and pupil. Children are proposing their ideas about contents of lessons. Amonashvili are against limitations of knowledge. Teacher must over step the limits of curriculum. He must to propose knowledge on basis knowledge of life of child. Amonashvili as true teacher are teaching in atmosphere of humanity and trust and respect.


Подласый И. П. Педагогика. Новый курс: Учебник для студ. пед. вузов в 2-х кн., кн. 1. Москва : Гуманит. изд. Центр ВЛАДОС, 1999. 576 с.

Амонашвили Ш. А. Обучение, оценка, отметка. Москва : Знание, 1980. 96 с.

Амонашвили Ш. А. Созидая человека. Москва : Знание, 1982. 92 с.

Амонашвили Ш. А. Здравствуйте, дети! Москва : Просвещение, 1983. 208 с.

Мудрость воспитания: Книга для родителей / Сост. Б. М. Бим-Бад, Э. Д. Днепров, Г. Б. Корнетов. Москва : Педагогика, 1987. 288 с.

Сухомлинский В. А. Избранные произведения в 5 томах. Т. 4. Київ : Рад. шк., 1980. 672 с.

Амонашвили Ш. А. Как живёте, дети? Москва : Просвещение, 1991. 175 с.



How to Cite

Ponomariow, O., & Cheremsky, M. (2022). The teacher, which not receive a marks. New Collegium, 1(107), 3–13.


