University-Alumnus: New Trends


  • O. Novikova Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія», Ukraine



university graduates, association of university graduates, alumni support system, fundraising


The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to creating a system of effective interaction between universities and alumni, including the organization of alumni associations. The experience of formation of relations "university-graduate" of foreign and Ukrainian universities is described.

The experience of work with graduates of the Kharkiv Humanitarian University "People's Ukrainian Academy" is analyzed and summarized, the main directions and forms of cooperation with graduates as stakeholders are revealed. The main tasks and areas of work of such interaction today are: preservation and enhancement of scientific and cultural traditions of the PUA; establishing and expanding contacts between alumni, fostering the spirit of corporatism, mutual assistance and cooperation; participation of graduates in programs for the development of the university, strengthening its material and technical base, supporting scientific research; promotion of successful employment of graduates, their career growth; strengthening and developing loyalty to your Alma Mater, active participation in enhancing its prestige; ensuring the continuity of values that have developed in higher education in the system of interaction "students-graduates-students". The structure of the Alumni Association is presented, its goals and objectives are described. The integrity of the corporate educational system of interaction between the People's Ukrainian Academy and alumni is presented in the Program for providing a support system for NUA graduates.

Attention is paid to describing the traditions that unite their graduates around Alma Mater. Such as: Graduate Breakfast, sports and children's programs, annual meetings on May 29, etc.


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How to Cite

Novikova , O. . . (2021). University-Alumnus: New Trends . New Collegium, 2(104), 80–86.


