Features of Establishment of Legal Foundations for Private Education in Ukraine


  • V. Astakhov Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія», Ukraine




legal regulation of the activities of the university, the legal status of the university, the legal status of a private university, the systematization of educational legislation, the educational code


The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of the functioning of private universities in Ukraine on the example of one of the first such educational institutions – Kharkov Humanitarian University "People's Ukrainian Academy". The article presents a historical retrospective of the main legal conflicts in the activities of the PUA, which were not only resolved in its favor, but also formed the basis for the correction of the current legislation by amending the regulations governing the activities of educational institutions in Ukraine. The relevance of this topic is mainly due to the need to amend the current legislation in order to ensure the equality of the legal status of educational institutions based on various forms of ownership and which are still in a state of intense competition for consumers of educational services. The analysis of the current educational legislation presented in the article testifies to the continuing normative consolidation of preferences for state educational institutions, which leads to legal discrimination of private universities. This, in turn, not only contributes to a decrease in the quality of educational activities of private educational institutions, but can also lead to their self-liquidation. The article also emphasizes the need to continue work on the correlation of educational and civil legislation. For this purpose, as well as to improve the overall qualitative characteristics of the functioning of the Ukrainian educational industry, the emphasis is placed on the need to systematize the norms of educational legislation as one of the forms for its improvement. At the same time, one of the main means of conceptual renewal of the system of educational legislation of Ukraine is its early codification, which should lead to the creation of a single systematized act – the Code of Ukraine on Education.


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How to Cite

Astakhov , V. . (2021). Features of Establishment of Legal Foundations for Private Education in Ukraine . New Collegium, 2(104), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2021.2.54


