
  • В. Коробейнік
  • Т. Кравчук


faculty, sport, teacher, coach, department, competitions, technique, champion


The first attempts to train teachers in physical education were made as early as 1925. In 1930, the Department of Physical Culture at HINO was liquidated and the State Institute of Physical Culture of Ukraine was opened on its basis. In 1947 the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports was opened at the Kharkov State Pedagogical Institute named after GS Skovoroda. The main task of the management and teachers was to conduct a high-quality set of entrants and to organize educational work with students. During the years of the faculty's existence, more than 9000 physical education teachers were trained in full-time and part-time forms of study. Among the students of the faculty — five Olympic champions, champions and prize-winners of the World, Europe and Ukraine, more than 80 became honored coaches. The modern faculty is capable of guaranteeing the training of qualified specialists of Bachelor's, Master's degrees in the specialties 014 "Secondary Education (Physical Education)" and 017 "Physical Education and Sports"


ДАХО, Фонд Р-845, Оп. 2, ОД.зб. 166.

ДАХО, Фонд Р-4293, Оп. 2, ОД .зб. 453.

ДАХО, Фонд Р-4293, Оп. 2, Од.зб. 802.

ДАХО, Фонд Р-4293, Оп. 2, ОД.зб. 855.

ДАХО, Фонд Р-4293, Оп. 2, ОД.зб. 911.

Олейник Н.А., Грот Ю.И. История физической культуры и спорта на Харьковщине (Люди. Годы. Факты. 1950 —1974гг.). Т.3. Харьков : ХДАФК, 2002. 376с.

Про реорганізацію Харківського педагогічного інституту ім. Г.С. Сковороди у педагогічний інститут фізичного виховання // Зб. наказів і розпоряджень Міністерства освіти УРСР. 1958. № 16. С. 12–14.

How to Cite

Коробейнік, В., & Кравчук, Т. (2020). FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS: HISTORY AND MODERN REALITIES. New Collegium, 117–121. Retrieved from http://newcollegium.nure.ua/article/view/199115