
  • В. Зоря
  • Н. Пономарьова


Pedagogical University, Scientific Schools, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics


The article analyzes the history of scientific schools of the Physical and Mathematical Faculty of G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical Univer- sity. Since the founding of the Pedagogical institute, well-known scientist whose names have glorified science in that country and beyond its borders have taught in its walls. Among the figures of XiX it fol- lows to mark such foreign scientists-mathematicians as well as i. Hut, F.K. Shveikart, T.F. Osypovskyi, A.F. Pavlovskyi, M.V. Ostrohradskyi, O.M. Liapunov, V.A. Steklov, D.M. Sintsov, S.N. Bershtein. Beginning of physical researches in the Kharkiv university is bound to the names of V.i. Lapshyna, M.D. Palchykova, D.A. Rozhanskoho. At XX G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University worked at various times great scientists, including Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR B.0, V.O. March- enko, academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR O O Galkin, A.O. Slutskin, V.P. Shestopalov, palov, Academician of NAS of Ukraine i.M. Neklyudov, Corresponding Member of the Kaz Kazan Academy of Sciences E.i. Kim, Doctors of Physics and Mathemat- ics, Professors R.i. Garber, J.A. Hindin, Yu. V. Tkach, D.Z. Gordievsky, i.M. Glazman. This scientific general has formed the basic directions of research in the field of mathematics, physics, problems of teaching of physical and mathematical disciplines in secondary and high school. Within the framework of these problems, worked i.O. Naumov, M.A. Zhihar, i.i. Soloshenko, V.M. Zlunitsina, L.i. Belousova, T.V. Belyavtseva, V.D. Zorya, A.Yu. Poody, V.i. Afanasyev, M.S. Gubin, O.O. Chaldey (Balbenko), O.T. Reasonable, E.B. Malet, V.D. Partyrny, V.D. Khadzhinov, T.i. Ryabushko and others who became teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and made a significant contribution to the development of science and the training of hundreds and thousands of teachers of physics and mathematics. Founders of the Department of informatics S.A. Rakov, L.i. Belousova, T.V. Belyavtseva are one of the founders of the modern school course of informatics and pioneers of pedagogical information education in Ukraine and abroad. The scientific contribution to the development of physics, mathematics, informatics of scientists and teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is disclosed in the article: D.Z. Gordevsky, i.O. Naumov, M.A. Zhykhar, Ya.M. Zhovnir, V.P. Shestopalov, L.i. Bel- ousova, E.P. Nelin, V.G. Motorina, S.i. Lapta.


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How to Cite

Зоря, В., & Пономарьова, Н. (2020). FROM THE HISTORY OF SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS OF THE FACULTY OF PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS. New Collegium, 108–113. Retrieved from