
  • Олена Мокроменко




prerequisites, elementary education, formation process, development, Great Britain.


The article investigates the issue of the theory and practice of the elementary education development in Great Britain of the 19th century. The article deals with the factors of elementary education development in Great Britain in the 19 th century. The article defines the different approaches in the denoting the term such as elementary education according to considered pre- requisites having influence on elementary education development in Great Britain during the 19 th century. The complex approach in the investigation of pre- requisites influenced on elementary education development in Great Britain during the 19 th century has been chosen.

The article studies the group of factors influenced on the formation process of the idea of education, cultural and education evolution. Social and political factors of the elementary education development in Great Britain in the 19th century have been analyzed. Cultural and education factors of the elementary education development in Great Britain in the 19th century have been considered. Social and political, cultural and education factors have been analyzed in the article. it has been proved that groups of factors of elementary education development in Great Britain in the 19 th century are investigated separately in the publications of British and Western European scientists.

The contribution of factors made for the formation process and elementary education development in Great Britain in the 19th century has been investigated. it has been concluded that the article studies elementary education considering social, public, political reforms, peculiarities of economical development, development of science, culture in the country influenced on the defining the elementary education ideals, curriculum, tasks, goals, teaching methods and ways in Great Britain during the 19 th century.


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How to Cite

Мокроменко, О. (2020). FACTORS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN IN THE 19TH CENTURY. New Collegium, 1(99), 91–95. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2020.1.91


