career guidance of young people, origins of career guidance, pre-industrial stage, industrial stage, post-industrial stage, system of career guidance in Ukraine.Abstract
The main stages of becoming and evolution of the system of career guidance in Ukraine are analyzed in the article. The features of formation of the world labor market in accordance with the European historical periodization are considered. The prerequisites for the formation of a career guidance system determine the social, economic, political, cultural and value and other features of a particular stage of development of society, and, accordingly, the labor market in society on the issue of employment, the use of workers in social production. The origins of the career guidance system, pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial stages of becoming a career guidance system in the world are characterized. The chronology of the development of the career guidance system in Ukraine in the aspect-historical retrospective for five periods is presented. The beginning of the 20's — the end of the 30's of the XX century — period of origin and formation of the system of career guidance in Ukraine (Ukraine within the USSR), search of forms and methods of career guidance, accumulation of experimental and practical material. The end of the 30s — 50s of the XX century — the period of episodic functioning of the career guidance system, the development of labor education, the small participation of scientists and specialists in career guidance of young people. The beginning of the 60's — 80's — formation of the system of labor training, active search for solving the problems of career guidance, increased attention of state institutions to the career guidance of young people, organization in the USSR of the All-Union career guidance system. 1984 — 1990 — formation of theoretical and organizational and methodological support for the development of the state service of career guidance in Ukraine (within the USSR). From 1990 to the present day the transformation of the "Soviet" system of career guidance, active scientific search for new forms and methods of career guidance in connection with new socio-economic conditions, reformation of the education system in the direction of profiling the secondary school. The necessity of developing a qualitatively new approach to the career guidance of young people in modern conditions is grounded in view of the radical changes in the labor market and the general features of social development.
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