
  • Наталія Косенко
  • Юлія Левашова
  • Аліна Коваленко
  • Олена Лебедєва




training sessions, natural sciences, adaptation, system approach.


The article is devoted to questions of teaching subjects of the cycle of natural sciences for foreign students of different specialties. The focus is on the peculiarities of constructing classes, the structure of training courses, methods and techniques of teaching disciplines. The difficulty that arises when teaching these subjects to foreign students is indicated. The importance of interdisciplinary connections is emphasized, as well as methods of rational processing of theoretical material by foreign students are offered. A key aspect that helps students to learn materials is revealed. The stage of student adaptation is a complex multifactorial phenomenon, which is studied by representatives of many branches of science. There are different types of adaptations: biological, psychological, psychological, socio-psychological, social, socio-pedagogical, professional, etc. if students undergo an adaptive phase quickly, learning is more effective. in the preparation of foreign students there are such approaches: systemic, personal-activity and integrative. The system approach is a method of study, in which the subject of study is considered as a system. The main properties of the system include the existence of links between its constituent elements, hierarchical construction, integrity, etc. The modern methods of teaching natural sciences have been analyzed, and it has been found that effective interaction between teachers of Ukrainian higher education and foreign students should be based on the principles of tolerance, mutual assistance and the use of the most modern teaching methods of natural sciences.


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How to Cite

Косенко, Н., Левашова, Ю., Коваленко, А., & Лебедєва, О. (2020). FEATURES OF TEACHING NATURAL DISCIPLINES FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS. New Collegium, 1(99), 65–68. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2020.1.65


