Main traits of distance education in high school (on the example of studying the discipline “Physics”)


  • S. Dansheva Громадська організація «Українська асоціація суспільствознавців та педагогів», Ukraine
  • Y. Zayonchkovskiy Громадська організація «Українська асоціація суспільствознавців та педагогів», Ukraine
  • D. Cherednik Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, Ukraine
  • A. Cherednik Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова, Ukraine
  • A. Titov Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, Ukraine



educational process, organization of education, university, distance education, platform of distance education, means of mobile activity, war, study of physics


In the conditions of martial law, in which the citizens of Ukraine has found themselves since February 2022, distance education, unfortunately, has become one of the leading forms of the educational process. Distance education is not a new technology. However, it can implement a number of principles of lifelong learning and satisfy the ever-growing demand for knowledge in the information society.

The paper analyzes main traits of the implementation of distance learning in the educational process of a higher education during the period of martial law, using the example of teaching physics. Specific features of the organization of teaching under martial law conditions are defined. Attention is focused on the fact that the organization of the educational process depends on the security situation in each region, access to the INTERNET network and the availability of technical means (computer, mobile devices, etc.). These factors determine the choice of teaching format (synchronous, asynchronous).

Certain electronic platforms, for example, Google-Meet and Google Classroom, became the basis of the organization of teaching process in higher education institutions, in particular in institutions of technical orientation. These platforms provided interaction between the participants of the educational process during the martial law in Ukraine. The exchange of information between teachers and students also takes place by means of the Zoom video conference system and communication through available messengers (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber).

This allows to establish active connection between the participants of the educational process (student – student, student – scientific and pedagogical personnel), which becomes the basis of social aspects of communication and strengthens the motivational basis of the educational process.

Particular attention is focused on the specifics of the working conditions of scientific and pedagogical personnel: teachers must spend more time preparing for classes, adapt teaching methods to the new format (prepare on-line courses, shoot video materials, organize relevant educational and methodological materials, write on-line textbooks).

Attention was drawn to the fact that under modern conditions of the educational process, the relevance of the teacher's functions as the main source of information was gradually lost. All this requires the search for more effective means of learning, which would perform the following functions in the educational process: informing, forming, systematizing, controlling and motivating.


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How to Cite

Dansheva, S., Zayonchkovskiy, Y., Cherednik, D., Cherednik, A., & Titov, A. (2023). Main traits of distance education in high school (on the example of studying the discipline “Physics”). New Collegium, 4(112), 88–92.


