Formation of basic professional competences of higher education acguires as a pedagogical problem




competence-based approach, higher education institutions, students, professional competence, transformation


The article is devoted to the problem of forming basic professional competences of higher education applicants. The aim of the article is to analyse the process of formation of basic professional competencies of higher education students in the context of transformational challenges.

Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the main approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to the interpretation of the phenomenon of "competence" are allocated. It has been found that the basic professional competencies of a higher education applicant are an appropriate level of professional training that ensures the ability and readiness of an individual to effectively perform professional activities.

It is determined that in the process of forming the basic professional competencies of higher education students in the context of the transformation of the educational process, such changes as expanding educational opportunities, promoting the quality of higher education, creating a personality-oriented environment, and improving learning outcomes should be taken into account.

The following aspects of the progress of artificial intelligence in the system of higher professional education are outlined: the software is able to automatically adjust the content of textbooks in accordance with user requests and educational goals; access to virtual language instructors, which is relevant with the introduction of bilingual education in Ukraine; automatic assessment of composition, i.e. by collecting data, it is possible to calculate the course content, learning strategies, etc.

It is concluded that the main trends in changing the tasks of higher education are as follows.


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How to Cite

Panteleimonova, T. (2023). Formation of basic professional competences of higher education acguires as a pedagogical problem. New Collegium, 4(112), 83–87.


