The theory of solving inventive tasks and its application in institutions of higher education




invention; theory of solving inventive tasks, creation, institution of higher education, education


The article is devoted to the actual problem of the formation of a creative approach in teaching technically oriented disciplines, and the relationship between the elements of the creative approach and the algorithmic elements of the classical approach to problem solving in the educational process of higher educational institutions. It was determined that the state of the issue in higher educational institutions is developing and constantly improving, and there is also an opportunity to direct the development of the educational process in the necessary direction. This organization of the educational process allows us to dynamically influence student learning and analyze the obtained results without harming the final result. The analysis of approaches to the organization of stimulating the development of creative endowments in invention is considered. Approaches to the formation of students' inventive skills during education are also analyzed. The relationship between the development of students' inventive skills and the formation of their creative abilities and potential has been revealed. Considered the theory of H.S. Altshuler and his substantiation of the process of achieving a solution to an inventive task in an algorithmized form, as well as the main stages of solving a problem in this theory, features of its application and key issues in its implementation. A conclusion was made about the expediency of the development of the educational process in higher educational institutions aimed at applying the theory of solving the inventive task and stimulating the development of the creative component in student education.


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How to Cite

Sinyaeva, O., Krekot, M., Sychova, T., & Sychov, A. (2023). The theory of solving inventive tasks and its application in institutions of higher education. New Collegium, 4(112), 78–82.


