Transformation of the classical educational process: effective strategies and tools for conducting distance lessons


  • T. Sobchenko Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine
  • V. Fedorenko Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine



transformation, distance learning, digital space, progress, means, tools, artificial intelligence


The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of the classical educational process, namely: the use of new digital spaces, effective distance learning strategies, new formats in education, the development of digital modernization, progress in modern education and technologies. Also, the expression of available digital results in the information environment and the use of the necessary means and tools for distance learning.

The article also reveals the problem of using artificial intelligence as an assistant in the online format, which demonstrates the transformation of the traditional model of education. Addressing the problem of the effectiveness of strategies during distance lessons is important for revealing the main forms of online communication and various web resources.

The transformation of the classical educational process helps to improve the digital skills of both the teacher and the student. Thanks to the raised problem, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of "artificial intelligence", its possibilities to work in the educational field; analyze in detail what tools can be used during distance learning and, of course, find out what additional assistants (created on the basis of AI) can be useful during the online format.

The article examines the aspect of online communication, which helps the teacher to find the right approach to the student during learning, and the student to gain knowledge effectively. The distance format gives the student the opportunity to work with various applications in practice, to try to get an education "in a non-classical way" and to start mastering technologies from an early age. Undoubtedly, the topic discussed will help students, scientific and pedagogical workers when writing scientific papers.


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How to Cite

Sobchenko, T., & Fedorenko, V. (2023). Transformation of the classical educational process: effective strategies and tools for conducting distance lessons. New Collegium, 4(112), 60–65.


