The use of internet resources in the self-education of schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning




distance learning, internet resources, motivation of students, self-education of students, digital technologies


The effectiveness of distance learning depends significantly on the development of self-education skills and abilities in students. The article is devoted to establishing the problems of using Internet resources in the self-education of schoolchildren in conditions of distance learning. An online survey was conducted, in which 109 respondents (students of grades 7 – 9 of general secondary education institutions of the city of Kharkiv) took part. It was established that in the conditions of distance learning, the main means of self-education of students are internet resources. For the productive use of internet resources in self-education in the conditions of distance learning, it is necessary to ensure their adaptation to use on various types of mobile devices as the main digital tool of students. At the same time, for those students who generally have limited access to digital devices, it is important to provide them with the opportunity to use them in schools, educational centers, and libraries. Despite the fact that the interest of students during distance learning in certain educational subjects is quite high, their awareness of the types of internet resources that can be used for education and self-study is insufficient. The most promising and modern types of them (virtual laboratories, online museums and libraries, online courses) are used to a limited extent and need popularization. Educational internet resources are still not sufficiently used during distance learning in school lessons and for homework, which determines the need for additional purposeful formation of students' abilities and skills to work with them. Establishing the conditions for the formation of self-educational competence of students, taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of self-education of students during the modern realities of the organization of the educational process in educational institutions, is a promising direction for further scientific research.


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How to Cite

Maistriuk, I., & Ponomarova, N. (2023). The use of internet resources in the self-education of schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning. New Collegium, 4(112), 47–53.


