Innovative technologies in landscape design: preserving the environment and creating a comfortable space in the post-war period


  • V. Teslenko Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова, Ukraine



innovation, landscape, design, comfort


This work defines the main innovative technologies in landscape design, their impact on the preservation of the environment and the creation of a comfortable space in the post-war period. An analysis of the positive and negative impact of innovative technologies on landscape design and the determination of the possibilities of their further use was also carried out.

The article discusses modern trends in landscape design and their impact on environmental protection.

Innovative technologies in landscape design, such as the use of green technologies, water elements, walls with living plants, etc., are analyzed.

The impact of landscape design on people's health and the creation of a comfortable space for their rest and entertainment is considered.

Practical examples of the use of innovative technologies in landscape design, which ensure the preservation of the environment and the creation of a comfortable space, are given.

The use of innovative technologies in landscape design is very important for preserving natural resources and creating a comfortable space for people's lives. These technologies make it possible to create more ecologically stable and energy-efficient objects of landscape design, which ensures an increase in the quality of life in cities and other settlements.

The application of green technologies, such as the use of local and climate-adapted plants, the creation of ecological drainage systems and water conservation, allows to reduce the impact on the environment and preserve biological diversity.

Innovative technologies can also be used to create a comfortable space for people. For example, the use of lighting control and sound control systems makes it possible to provide comfortable conditions for people's living and recreation. In addition, the creation of recreation areas using innovative technologies, such as "smart" furniture and decor elements, allows you to create a space that promotes recovery and relaxation.

Innovative technologies in landscape design can be aimed at preserving natural ecosystems in the post-war period.


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How to Cite

Teslenko, V. (2023). Innovative technologies in landscape design: preserving the environment and creating a comfortable space in the post-war period. New Collegium, 4(112), 35–40.


