Educational process – conveyor or artificial production?


  • O. Riazantsev Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О.М. Бекетова, Ukraine



commercialization of education, division of labor, organization of the educational process, competence approach


The article considers some issues of implementation of the educational process in modern conditions. Among the factors that determine the current state of the educational process and significantly affect its further development is the commercialization of education. The main focus is on the technical side of the commercialization of education. The specified technical side of the commercialization of education is considered from the point of view of the maximum approximation of the process of providing educational services to the process of any mass material production. An attempt was made to imagine the training of large groups of students in the form of continuous production using the principle of division of labor proposed by Adam Smith as a way to reduce the cost of the product and increase production productivity. Training was presented as a continuous process with a "series of technological" operations, such as conducting different types of training sessions, which are performed by different operators – teachers. Along with a number of advantages in any decision, there are always consequences that are tried to get rid of or avoid. In this case, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to take into account the individual characteristics of an individual buyer. Due to various circumstances, such as the appearance and disappearance of some professions, the gaining of popularity of some and the loss of attractiveness of others, a situation with the presence of small groups of students may arise. In the case of small groups of students, it may be appropriate to form educational plans and programs taking this feature into account. Also, additional factors, such as the remote form of providing educational services, the impact of using various software products during classes, the asynchronous learning mode of individual students, etc., were not overlooked. Despite the rather long history of the implementation of various schemes and methods aimed at transforming the educational sphere with special functions of society and the state into one that can be self-sufficient and profitable, there are many unresolved issues at various stages of their implementation.


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How to Cite

Riazantsev, O. (2023). Educational process – conveyor or artificial production?. New Collegium, 4(112), 23–27.


