Multimedia technologies in music education of preschool children




digitalization, preschool education, music, multimedia, upbringing, educational process


The dynamic digitalization of the national education system leads to the transformation of all its links, including preschool education. One of the promising and strategic directions of digitalization of preschool education is the use of multimedia technologies that expand the possibilities of organizing the educational process. Domestic and foreign scholars in their studies point out the special role of multimedia technologies for the development of a child's intelligence and personality.

The concept of multimedia is associated with computer processing and presentation of various types of information, as well as with the variability of images and scenarios.

The introduction of multimedia into the field of education leads to the emergence of new software tools and requires their content in the development of new teaching methods. The article focuses on multimedia presentations as powerful didactic tools for music lessons. When using multimedia presentations, children's interest in educational activities increases, the level of their cognitive abilities increases, and preschoolers' abilities develop more effectively. The use of new diverse and non-traditional methods of explaining and consolidating material playfully increases children's involuntary attention in the process of cognition, helps to activate their voluntary attention, and promotes the development of all mental processes.

Based on the analysis of theoretical studies, the peculiarity of information perception by means of multimedia is determined considering the types of people: kinesthetic, audial, and visual. It is emphasized that these types of perception should be considered because the quality of information perception directly affects the success of learning.


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How to Cite

Dotsenko, S., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Multimedia technologies in music education of preschool children. New Collegium, 3(111), 107–113.


