Peculiarities of Assessment of Knowledge of Higher Education Students in the Conditions of Distance Learning (on the Example of Historical Disciplines)


  • O. Honcharova Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди, Ukraine



distance education, historical disciplines, educational process, assessment, learning outcomes


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main forms of assessment of knowledge and skills acquired by higher education students in the study of historical disciplines in the context of distance learning, which can provide a quick correction of the educational process towards its improvement. Attention is drawn to the fact that assessment should be considered not only as a means of recording the results of students' learning activities, but also as a critical analysis of the educational process in order to improve it. It is shown that it is important to introduce an assessment system that would provide an adequate assessment of the student's work, knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study and provide the teacher with timely information to adjust the educational process. The author concludes that the transition to distance learning has given rise to a rethinking of the forms and methods of teaching, motivation of students' cognitive activity, and verification of their achievement of the expected learning outcomes. In order to make the most of the online environment, teachers need, on the one hand, to neutralize the main problems of this format, and on the other hand, to use the result to adjust, improve and update the educational process. To achieve this, control should be systematic, provided with theoretical support for students' learning activities in terms of mastering knowledge and skills and constant feedback between the teacher and the student. If we expect higher education students to become creative people who think critically and solve real problems, then all forms of control should be aimed at developing and assessing these skills. This will not only increase confidence in the higher education system, but will also have a positive impact on the quality of the educational process and the professional development of students.


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How to Cite

Honcharova, O. (2023). Peculiarities of Assessment of Knowledge of Higher Education Students in the Conditions of Distance Learning (on the Example of Historical Disciplines). New Collegium, 3(111), 101–106.


