Brand strategies of US universities as the element of image formation




branding, image, institution of higher education, IHE, market of educational services, strategy


Marketing terminology has actively spread to the field of education as a result of consumerism. That is why a brand strategy building has become vital not only for new but also for old and world-top universities, since “education consumers” often choose an educational institution under the influence of its image, prestige, or public perception. The brand image of an educational institution is a sum of people's views, opinions, and impressions about it, which is decisive for the educational institution's positioning in the market of educational services and its identification among other educational institutions. The brand image of an educational institution, as a multi-component concept, is formed based on numerous internal and external factors. For all that, the publicly broadcasting value judgments about the educational institution, the level, and nature of its social interactions in the community, and its perception by public consciousness are among the main components of the educational institution's brand image. The formation of the brand strategy of the educational institution is part of its brand image strategy aimed at increasing its competitiveness.

The implementation of some aspects of the brand image strategy of North American universities is illustrated by the examples of the California State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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How to Cite

Guslenko, I. (2023). Brand strategies of US universities as the element of image formation. New Collegium, 3(111), 70–73.


