Means of influence on workability of higher education students in physical education classes


  • A. Cherednichenko Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, Ukraine



students, learning, indicator, functional condition, restoration, working capacity, music


The article defines the means of influencing the work capacity of students of higher education in physical education classes. The question arises of preserving and restoring working capacity, as well as the body's energy resources. In the course of the research, it was proven that some music has a positive effect on the functional state of a person. Analysis of the issue of the use of means of musical expressiveness to the specified problem showed that it remains insufficiently studied. The diverse influence of music on the psychophysical state of a person determined its application to optimization and restoration of working capacity. It was noted that the influence of certain musical genres and trends, individual means of musical expressiveness, and the form (content) of musical material require further research. It is noted that it remains necessary to carry out laboratory experimental research in this direction; it is necessary to develop and justify, together with specialists in musical art, special psychological and pedagogical conditions regarding the influence of musical material on the functional state of students. About 97 % of students believe that the musical accompaniment of independent physical exercises has a positive effect on their level of well-being, activity and mood; 63 % consider entertainment music to be the best genre for this; almost 73 % believe that listening to musical works accelerates recovery of the level of working capacity. The authors stated that it is necessary to conduct specially organized classes on physical education exclusively with musical accompaniment, preferably with the use of entertainment and folk music. We also note that it is necessary to develop and substantiate together with specialists in musical art special pedagogical conditions regarding the influence of music on the functional state of students.


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How to Cite

Cherednichenko, A. (2023). Means of influence on workability of higher education students in physical education classes. New Collegium, 3(111), 65–69.


