Creation of a safe educational space in educational institutions under the conditions marital state




security, concept, martial law, rticipants in the educational process, educational institutions


The article deals with an urgent problem of our time, namely the creation of a safe educational environment in educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to define the components of a safe educational environment in educational institutions and to outline the ways of implementing its creation.

The author reveals the multifaceted concepts of "safety" and "safe educational environment" in regulatory documents and scientific and pedagogical literature.

A number of regulatory documents are presented to help participants in the educational process effectively continue to organize training and carry out educational work, in particular, "Safe Educational Environment: New Dimensions of Security" (2022), "Recommendations on the Organization of Shelter in the Facilities of the Civil Protection Facilities Fund for Staff and Children (Pupils, Students) of Educational Institutions" (2022), "On Approval of the Concept of Security of Educational Institutions" (2023).

The ways to create a safe environment in domestic educational institutions that implement the Concept of Security of Educational Institutions (2023) are outlined.

Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and regulatory documents of Ukraine, the components of a safe educational environment of an educational institution (physical, psychological, informational) are revealed and the content of each component is characterized.         

It is concluded that the problem of creating a safe educational environment is multidimensional and requires the involvement of specialists from various fields, in particular, representatives of the National Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Emergency Service, the Ministry of Infrastructure, city and regional government organizations, etc. The creation of a safe educational environment in educational institutions, taking into account the relevant requirements, will enable educational institutions to effectively organize the educational process in a full-time mode.

Prospects for further research have been identified, which include the development of methodological support for advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical staff on life safety.


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How to Cite

Sobchenko, T., Kin, O., & Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk, V. (2023). Creation of a safe educational space in educational institutions under the conditions marital state. New Collegium, 3(111), 39–42.


