Training of future primary school teachers to preserve and strengthen the physical health of students with special educational needs in distance learning




physical health, primary school teacher, children with special educational needs, professional training, health-saving educational technologies, distance learning, nclusive education


The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future primary school teachers using digital educational technologies on the example of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of distance training of future primary school teachers to preserve and strengthen the physical health of children with special educational needs in inclusive education in the course of studying the discipline "Physical Education with Teaching Methods". To achieve this goal, the conceptual ideas of inclusive education based on the principles of democratization, non-discrimination, consideration of human diversity, effective involvement and inclusion of all participants in the educational process, taking into account their individual needs, capabilities, abilities and interests, and the professional competencies of the future primary school teacher, in particular, inclusive, health-saving and designing needs, which allow to execute the task of preserving and strengthening of the physical health of the children with special educational needs. In order to highlight the peculiarities of professional training of future primary school teachers in a distance format, the experience of teaching the discipline "Physical Culture with Teaching Methods" for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 013 "Primary Education with Special Education Methods" was analyzed. The discipline was taught using the educational platform Moodle of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Google applications. It is determined that the execution of the tasks of training future primary school teachers should be carried out both through the analysis, transformation and optimization of the content of theoretical and practical professional training, as well as updating the content of educational programs and curricula, taking into account the realities of today.


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How to Cite

Boychuk, Y., Kozlov, A., Naumenko, N., & Drozhyk, L. (2023). Training of future primary school teachers to preserve and strengthen the physical health of students with special educational needs in distance learning. New Collegium, 3(111), 24–31.


