European integration in education: history of development after world war II




European integration, education, People's Ukrainian Academy


The vast majority of modern students perceive the situation in the university education sector at the beginning of the 21st century as a given: openness, democratization, the opportunity to study in almost any country, duality and double degrees. But there is a question about the history of this process. Because from school and university history courses, everyone knows the definition of the term "cold war", during which nothing of the kind happened. When did the changes begin for European countries, primarily Eastern Europe, which gravitated towards the so-called "Soviet bloc". And in general, why did Europe so persistently promote the ideas of educational European integration, the well-known Bologna system.

The historiography of the problem has a rather long history and consists of numerous monographs, articles, dissertations, and collections. A notable part of modern publications is the work of domestic authors, including representatives of Kharkiv scientific schools. Among them are scientists of the Kharkiv Humanitarian University «People’s Ukrainian Academy", who have been studying history and various aspects of the development of modern education for many years.


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How to Cite

Palval, A. (2023). European integration in education: history of development after world war II. New Collegium, 1(110), 135–138.


