Immersive technologies: a symbiosis of digital technologies and art




immersive, immersive technologies, virtual reality, augmented reality, education, digitalization, art


Immersive technologies are one of the strategic vectors of modern education. Immersive in English means “immersion”. In the context of pedagogical science, it is a method of teaching with elements of relaxation, play, and immersion in an artificially modeled reality. Several concepts of immersive technologies are defined: virtual reality (VR); augmented reality (AR); mixed reality (MR); holography, TelePresence; digital twin; FPV drone flight, etc. The author has revealed the meaning of the immersive approach in education, which we interpret as a set of methods and means of organizing productive interaction of participants in the educational process in a virtual (immersive) educational environment that provides interactive learning, comprehensive and targeted professional development. An immersive learning environment is understood as a dynamic process of influencing the user by various elements of the simulated external/internal environment. The author substantiates immersive in literature, painting, and theater. Thus, immersive is primarily associated with the object-spatial modeled environment, which is designed to draw the viewer inside. The article pays special attention to the creation of an immersive learning environment, which has certain characteristic features, namely: redundancy, saturation, constructiveness; observation, autonomy; integrity; motivational; interactivity. The advantages of the immersive environment are identified: the ability to visualize complex processes and phenomena; minimization of extraneous factors; high degree of personalization of the learning process; stimulation of the accumulation of experience of independent cognitive activity, development of activity in educational activities; prompt and visual display of the results obtained; facilitation of communication between participants in the educational process, etc.


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How to Cite

Dotsenko, S., & Van, C. (2023). Immersive technologies: a symbiosis of digital technologies and art. New Collegium, 1(110), 118–124.


