Updated of the problem of forming the artistic-figurative thinking of the future teacher of music


  • A. Sokolova Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0284-7320
  • Itszya Li Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine




thinking, artistic-figurative thinking, professional training, future music teacher, updated, challenges, viability


The article analyzes the views of scientists from various fields of knowledge on the main definitions of research. It is proven that philosophy considers thinking as the basis of human activity, a guarantee of individual freedom.

It has been clarified that psychologists consider thinking to be an active form of cognitive activity of a person, which is based on certain requests, abilities and is closely related to society and culture.

In the pedagogical plane, thinking is considered as an active reflection of real reality in a person's consciousness, its ability to consistently and generally establish connections between objects and phenomena and generate new ideas.

It was found that the formation of artistic-figurative thinking is recognized as an important factor in the professional training of a future teacher of music. Based on the views of scientists, the author presents his own interpretation of the concept of "artistic-figurative thinking of a future music teacher" as a purposeful process of emotional-intellectual knowledge of the world, a process of self-awareness, which is carried out on the basis of mastering works of musical art and is realized in one's own musical-pedagogical and performing activities.

It is proved that the updated of the problem of formation of artistic- figurative thinking is determined not only by its effective influence on the abilities of the future music teacher, his professional self-development and self-improvement in the modern conditions of the educational process. The main factors are the terrible modern challenges caused by the war, those crisis situations and emotional states in which student musicians found themselves. The formation of artistic- figurative thinking in the process of mastering vocal works will help the future music teacher to resist negative social life situations, direct his own mental instructions to a positive worldview, a humane attitude towards others and awareness of his own vitality.


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How to Cite

Sokolova, A., & Li, I. (2023). Updated of the problem of forming the artistic-figurative thinking of the future teacher of music. New Collegium, 1(110), 110–117. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2023.1-2.110


