Ilya Mechnikov's theory of orthobiosis: the potential of European integration of national education




constructive activity, Mechnikov, orthobiosis, optimism, personality, national identity, falsification


The article presents the result of a retrospective analysis of the theory of orthobiosis. This topic is valuable for the development of programs for expanding connections with the world in the process of communication and other ways of communication in specific historical realities, social falsification of participants in the educational process.

The research was conducted according to an individual approach. The authors focused attention on the processes of interaction, when the scientist's scientific conclusions were formed as a result of deep spiritual connections with others, an active attitude to the world. The article states that the author's personal hobbies are organically interpreted in the theory of orthobiosis developed by the scientist. In the theory of orthobiosis, the change of nodal positions of the scientist is systematically followed depending on the conditions of human formation in different age periods, taking into account the peculiarities of the components of the psyche, psychophysiological development in a certain age period.

The authors emphasized that Ilya Mechnikov understood orthobiosis as follows: the order and order of life, which is based on the science of hygiene. This order provides a person with a long, active, pain-free life. In this way, a person can not only establish the rules of social and psychological existence, but also systematically develop and manifest his natural strengths, abilities, and talents. Such a life gives a feeling of saturation, ends with a natural death that does not cause fear. A component of orthobiosis is a reasonable, prudent attitude of the individual to the issue of procreation, conscious parenthood. In this, the authors see the relevance of studying the field of conscious social in the individual through the analysis of personal structures, the ability to be active in the spiritual sphere.

The article states that I. Mechnikov considered in detail the problem of forming the moral behavior of an individual. In the context of orthobiosis, morality should be reinforced through mastery of encyclopedic knowledge, deep education, conscious activity of social life, critical thinking in the perception of scientific truths.


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How to Cite

Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk, V., Sobchenko, T., & Kozyrenko, S. (2023). Ilya Mechnikov’s theory of orthobiosis: the potential of European integration of national education. New Collegium, 1(110), 105–109.


