Information and communication technologies in education of the visually impaired in the era of digitalization of education




information and communication technologies, inclusive education, people with visual impairments, digitalization, typhlocomputerization


The article analyzes the role and features of using of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education of visually impaired (VI) people during the period of digital transformation of education. It is noted that during digitalization of education, it should be considered that digital competence stands out from the list of key competences for lifelong learning. The ICT that allows visually impaired people to learn using general-purpose computer equipment is analyzed. It is shown that ICT for people with VI is an effective mechanism of adaptation to education and to life in general. It is noted that in order to ensure the effectiveness and accessibility of the educational process of persons with disabilities, it is necessary to equip educational institutions with modern computer equipment and appropriate pedagogical software, electronic textbooks aimed at facilitating the learning process. It is claimed that one of the main tasks of education in the conditions of digital transformation is to teach students, including people with disabilities, to use modern ICT. There is an urgent need for accelerated advanced training of heads of higher education institutions and teachers, who need to acquire appropriate competencies, how to correctly use new ICT in education in accordance with the culture, needs and economic situation in the country, in the educational institution and considering the requirements and capabilities of the disabled, in particular persons with VI. It is noted that teachers need to know how ICT can help to overcome vision loss, and also know which ICT support special educational needs and how to use them in teaching to best meet the needs of people with visual impairment. A review of the possibilities of ICT tools that can offer support to people with disabilities is carried out.


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How to Cite

Kirvas, V. (2023). Information and communication technologies in education of the visually impaired in the era of digitalization of education. New Collegium, 1(110), 71–78.


