Motivational Readiness of Vocational College Teachers for the Innovative Activities




teacher, college, motivation, readiness, conditions, factors, activity, content, support


The article deals with the problem of formation of motivational readiness of teachers of vocational colleges. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research, the author analyzed regulatory and legal documents, which made it possible to clarify the role and place of innovative activity of teachers of vocational colleges, which refers to one of the types of their professional activity and is carried out within the interaction between research activities. The obtained results serve as a basis for the development and updating of educational programs for the training of specialists for various branches of the economy. Based on the study of the results of research of domestic and foreign scientists’, the content of the innovative activity of teachers of vocational colleges, which is guided in two directions – achieving of innovation in pedagogical practice and the implementation, application and commercialization of the results of scientific research and development in a certain scientific field, was characterized.

The essence of the motivational readiness of teachers of vocational colleges, which is considered as a mechanism for managing the development of knowledge, practical skills, creative abilities, ways of thinking and special professional qualities, moral and ethical values, which ensures and activates self-development, was determined.

Two groups of influencing factors on the development of the motivational readiness of teachers of vocational colleges for innovative activities were considered: those related to external conditions (work context) and those related to the content of work. The conditions for the development of the motivational readiness of teachers of vocational colleges for innovative activities were determined and the methodical support of teacher’s training for the innovative and research activities was characterized.


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How to Cite

Pilevych, O. (2023). Motivational Readiness of Vocational College Teachers for the Innovative Activities. New Collegium, 1(110), 65–70.


