European integration development in teacher training: educational outlook




cooperation, partnership, institution of higher pedagogical education, future teachers, educational reforms


The topicality of European integration processes in higher pedagogical education is determined by the requirements of society and the international community. They focus is at the teacher, able to work successfully in the educational workspace of a new format. Modus of educational process, high standards of cooperation and partnership, relations between participants of pedagogical interaction are given close attention. It is noted that educational cornerstones such as human health and happiness, humanism and democracy are predominant in scientific works. These crucial factors give a powerful impetus for transformational processes in higher education, that contribute to positive changes in education.

It is emphasized that the transformation of pedagogical education in Ukraine is determined by many factors. Among such factors one can name proper balance of theoretical and practical training, which is of prior importance, because the quality of higher education largely depends on it. Professional requirements shape the whole process of competitive teachers` training and can only be met by focusing on the practical component of teachers` work. Educational guidelines include the formulation of criteria for quality of pedagogical education, application of innovative approaches to the organization of educational process, development and updating of educational programs, cooperation with stakeholders, further collaboration with research institutions, public organizations.

European integration processes in higher pedagogical education encourage the participants of educational process to develop their own strong position regarding new changes. Authors of the article emphasize the necessity for compliance of the academic competencies stipulated in educational programs with the professional competences required by professional activity.

A special attention was paid to the individual educational trajectory of a student as a means of his/her professional growth and future career development. It is suggested that one should expand the list of educational programs in various specialties, to update the educational and methodological materials, as well as technical support of existing educational programs.

The ideas of learning through research in the educational environment were expanded in order to identify and develop research potential among the undergraduate and postgraduate students.


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How to Cite

Boichuk, Y., & Rybalko, L. (2023). European integration development in teacher training: educational outlook. New Collegium, 1(110), 3–7.


