Evolution of methods of teaching foreign language and prospects for foreign language education





methods of teaching a foreign language, intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, interdisciplinary approach


The article substantiates relevance of improving methods of teaching foreign language in order to meet social needs, which are determined by the fact that communication in a foreign language environment has now become an important component of a specialist's professional culture. The subject of research is history of development and change of methods of teaching foreign languages. A brief description of methods which were used in different historical periods is given in terms of goals and expected learning outcomes. Relationship between historical development of teaching methods and change in comparative-historical, system-structural and anthropocentric (linguo-cognitive) paradigms in linguistics as theoretical basis of methodology of teaching foreign languages is considered. The urgency at the present stage of changing technology and principles of teaching foreign languages has been substantiated, ultimate goal of which should be formation of ability for effective intercultural communication. The conclusion is made about prospects for development of modern teaching methods, which should be based on the linguo-cognitive paradigm, i.e. consider language as a multicomponent means of human communication, and also take into account the latest achievements of cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, theory of intercultural communication. This will improve methods of teaching foreign language, purpose of which will be to form a linguistic personality that is able to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, to carry out pragmatically effective communication with representatives of other cultures, criterion of which is not only understanding, but also productivity, achievement of mutually beneficial results.


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How to Cite

Sereda, A. (2021). Evolution of methods of teaching foreign language and prospects for foreign language education. New Collegium, 3(105), 47–53. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2021.3.47


