Reflection as the basis of students' professional skills




reflection, professional activity, professional skills, higher education, educational activity, institutions of higher education (HEI)


In the article the authors consider reflection as the basis of professional skills of students. In the modern higher school of Ukraine the problem of the quality of professional skills of students after graduation is higher. Today, unfortunately, the quality of domestic specialists does not meet modern requirements, because having a large number of free economic education, there is a lack of qualifications of a significant number of young graduates in various fields of training. We have many specialists with diplomas, but a lack of staff capable of high professional qualifications to solve production and management problems. It is these facts that necessitate the study of these issues and the search for answers to ways to solve them. The most important problem in the development of education is the development of such tools that would act as cross-cutting, integrating factors in structuring the education system in various types of professional activities. In the opinion of the authors, in pedagogical activities in the field of higher education such a tool can be reflection. The concept of reflection originated in philosophy and meant the process of thinking of the individual about what is happening around, in his own consciousness. In psychological research, reflection is considered as one of the important mechanisms that ensure human adaptability to new operating conditions. In pedagogy, reflection is understood, first of all, as students' awareness of the results of their own activities in the classroom. Reflection in educational activities is the process of assimilation of educational material by a student through its comprehension, analysis, generalization, imposition on one's own experience and already existing knowledge with the help of intellectual abilities, erudition and critical thinking. Obstacles to the development of reflection are: objective (lack of motivation, lack of self-interest, inadequate self-esteem, insufficient formation of the processes of analysis, evaluation, etc.) and subjective (self-doubt).


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How to Cite

Levkin, A., Levkina, R., & Ryasnyanska, A. (2021). Reflection as the basis of students’ professional skills. New Collegium, 3(105), 38–43.


