Difficulties of distance learning





distance learning, information culture, professional development, psychological and pedagogical problems


The difficulties encountered by teachers during distance learning are described. These include the teacher's inability to work with new educational technologies, the low level of information culture among individual teachers, psychological problems, the inability to organize joint cognitive activities with students, and others. The content of special training of teachers for the conditions of distance learning is proposed. It was noted that professional development should become a continuous and constant process. The tasks of the advanced training system have been updated, namely: training teachers in the ideology of distance learning, studying the organizational and technological environment, continuous assimilation of promising information technologies of education, continuous training in the latest achievements of psychology and pedagogy, training in forms of control of students' knowledge. The skills of a teacher necessary for the successful organization of communicative interaction with students in the distance learning system are considered.For the successful organization of communicative interaction with students in the distance learning system, the teacher must be able to apply the forms of verbal and non-verbal communication; conduct a virtual discussion, establish contact with the audience on-line; involve in discussion, expressing one's own opinion and establishing interpersonal interaction; conduct training sessions taking into account the psychological characteristics of student behavior in a virtual environment; find an individual approach to students during distance learning; create a positive emotional atmosphere between the subjects of distance learning. Prospects for further research are in the development and creation of a special adaptation program for teachers who teach in a distance learning environment. The program for training teachers should cover the main issues of distance learning: legislative framework, computer literacy, the use of information systems, psychological and pedagogical features of the implementation of distance learning.


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How to Cite

Verzhanskaya, O., & Laguta, T. (2021). Difficulties of distance learning. New Collegium, 3(105), 33–37. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2021.3.33


