Performing interpretation of the opera vocal genre in the process of vocal training of future music teacher


  • A. Sokolova Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine
  • D. Bakhova Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine



opera, vocal numbers of operas, interpretation, artistic image


The question of the formation of a holistic worldview in the younger generation based on artistic and aesthetic value orientations, which will contribute to creative self-realization and artistic self-expression of the individual throughout life, is relevant at the present stage of development of Ukrainian society.

Therefore, special attention is paid to basic secondary education. The state standard defines a complex of musical competencies that schoolchildren must master. Based on the learning outcomes, schoolchildren should be able to analyze, interpret and critically evaluate artistic images, develop their own emotional and sensory sphere based on the perception of art and the creation of musical artistic images by means of a variety of performing activities.

In this regard, the importance of the teacher of musical art is increasing, the requirements for his professional training, the formation of skills in creating his own interpretation of musical works, and “transferring” spiritual values by means of his own vocal skills are increasing.

Based on the analysis of musical pedagogical and art history literature, the article considers the problem of using vocal numbers from operas in the process of vocal training of future teachers of musical art.

It is noted that the inclusion of solo performances from operas (aria, arioso, cavatina, song) in the training repertoire in Voice Production classes will play an effective role in the professional growth of the future teacher of musical art, the formation of his interpretive competencies, the development of emotional and artistic culture.

The components have been identified that will help the student to brighten up the artistic image and create a perfect interpretation of a separate vocal number from the opera.


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How to Cite

Sokolova, A., & Bakhova, D. (2021). Performing interpretation of the opera vocal genre in the process of vocal training of future music teacher. New Collegium, 4(106), 54–58.


