Information technologies in student education




learning technologies, pedagogical technologies, information technologies, information and communication technologies, motivation


The process of informatization of education as a component of informatization of modern society is not possible without the introduction of new pedagogical information technologies in the education system. The main methods of using the latest information technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions are considered. The traditional method is to teach with fragmentary use of computers to demonstrate illustrative materials, control knowledge, test, and so on. The basis of the non-traditional method is research work in computer laboratories, computational experiments, the formation of analytical reports or databases. The main priorities of the use of IT in the educational process of the State Biotechnological University are: increasing the efficiency of educational and cognitive activities of students; operational control of the level of knowledge, diagnosing errors; self-realization of personality; additional communication opportunities; research work and search for statistical material; free choice of forms and methods of teaching.

It is concluded that information technologies in the educational process perform educational, upbringing and research functions. Use of information technology allows to create a fundamentally new information educational sphere. It provides ample opportunities for educational activities, affects the redistribution of functions between its participants, increases motivation, develops independence, provides individualization and differentiation of the educational process, contributes to the modernization of the traditional learning system.


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How to Cite

Levkin, A., Levkina, R., & Kotko, Y. (2021). Information technologies in student education. New Collegium, 4(106), 50–53.


