Use of modern psychotraining technologies in the framework of the recovery period of extreme detail profile specialists




recovery period, social and psychological training, professional activity, rescuer, specialists of risky professions, anxiety, neuropsychological stability, stress, psychological stability, maladaptive mental states


The article considers the problem of the recovery period of activity of specialists of risky professions after their performance of tasks on purpose. In solving this problem, it was suggested to use socio-psychological training.

Within the framework of this issue, a study was conducted on the basis of the educational and scientific laboratory of extreme and crisis psychology of the research center of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. Rescuers took part in it, were directly involved in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies.

In order to restore the psychological stability of rescuers, specialists of the training and research laboratory of extreme and crisis psychology of the research center of NUCDU developed a socio-psychological training with a clear structure that corresponds to the professional activities of hazardous professions, including rescuers.

During the study of the influence of psychological training technologies on the personality of specialists of emergency rescue units, a methodical algorithm was used: the method of observation, questionnaires, the method of color choices, the method of "Anxiety Research" Ch.D. Spielberger (adapted version by YL Khanin), method "Forecast-2", statistical methods.

As a result of the study, the positive impact of socio-psychological training on the process of restoring the psychological resilience of specialists in high-risk occupations in the post-disaster period was proved.


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How to Cite

Sadkoviy, V., & Ovsyannikova, Y. (2021). Use of modern psychotraining technologies in the framework of the recovery period of extreme detail profile specialists. New Collegium, 4(106), 45–49.


