Features of the introduction of multimedia technologies in military education





military education, training efficiency, information technology, multimedia technology, interactivity, electronic editions


The choice to introduce multimedia technologies into the educational space of the higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the military educational subdivision of the institution of higher education for the sake of the enhanced efficiency of teaching is substantiated. New opportunities are covered that are opened by the use of multimedia for teaching cadets (students) – to choose an «individual learning path», to effectively organize the educational process, to intensify the learning process, to raise the degree of assimilation of information, to make educational material accessible and the lessons more dynamic and interesting, and to boost interactivity. Among the possible ways of using multimedia technologies to improve the efficiency of military training there are multimedia lectures, multimedia group training, multimedia software systems, electronic multimedia publications, electronic libraries, multimedia distance courses, and the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities. The examples of the successful use of multimedia technologies for the modernization of military education are given, and the opportunities for the dissemination of this experience are covered.

It is concluded that the systematic and organized use of multimedia technologies in the educational activities of the higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the military educational subdivision of the institution of higher education significantly contributes to an increase in the level of mastery of educational material, but its effectiveness depends on the availability of modern multimedia teaching aids, methodological support of the discipline and an electronic information base for the selection of educational material.


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How to Cite

Zmiivskiy, H., & Gorbunov, V. (2021). Features of the introduction of multimedia technologies in military education. New Collegium, 4(106), 36–39. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2021.4.36


