The role of information and communication technologies in the training of music and pedagogical workers in the process of learning in PRC




informatization of education, learning process, dents of higher education, musical disciplines


The article deals with topical issues of the use of information and communication technologies in the process of learning in institutions of higher education in the People's Republic of China. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and significance of the use of information and communication technologies in the training of music-pedagogical workers in the process of education in the People's Republic of China.

The regulatory documents of the People's Republic of China that determine the development and implementation of computer technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions were analyzed, in particular: "Action Plan for Informatization of Education 2.0" (2018), "Order on the Proper Organization and Management of Online Education in Colleges and Universities during pandemic period" (2020), "Specifications for the construction of digital campuses in colleges and universities (project) (2021), the national standard "Chinese Information Technology Coding Set" (2022), etc.

The task of the action plan for the informatization of education in the country has been revealed. Based on the analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature, the features and advantages of using the Internet+ technology were determined.

The following modern models of teaching musical disciplines at the university using information and communication technologies are presented and characterized: "Musical catechism", "Musical micro-lessons", "Public open platform WeChat", "Mobile APPs".

It was concluded that the use of modern information and communication technologies in the training of music and pedagogical workers in the process of education in the People's Republic of China contributes to the improvement of the quality of the process and results of education, the formation of information and communication competence among students, and readiness for the wide use of modern technologies in future professional activities. The prospects of further scientific research, which consist in the implementation of the experience of Chinese teachers regarding the formation of information and communication competence of future music and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions of Ukraine, have been determined.


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How to Cite

Mu, W. (2022). The role of information and communication technologies in the training of music and pedagogical workers in the process of learning in PRC. New Collegium, 3(108), 75–78.


