Modern educational digital competence of future doctors of Poland as a European state




student, education, Poland, digitization, competence, doctor, medicine, society


The article examines and analyzes the acquisition of digital competence by students studying in medical education institutions in Poland. In order to fulfill the set goal, the analysis and synthesis of search results in information and reference systems was carried out in order to determine the concepts of research, methods of expert evaluation, testing, questionnaires, observation, modeling, forecasting. The process of implementing information processes in the field of health care in Poland is considered against the background of the use of digital technologies in the countries of the European Union in order to ensure the quality of education and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, which were presented by the United Nations and aimed at achieving a digital future for all. In cooperation with the European Commission in promoting digitalization in education, the Polish government is focused on promoting the development of a highly effective digital education ecosystem and improving digital skills and opportunities for digital transformation to ensure bridging the digital divide in education and strengthening competences. A noticeable change in the development of digital competences of students of medical education institutions in Poland is a greater emphasis on the practical use of both these competences and resources available on the Internet. The development of recommendations of Polish institutions of medical education, specifying the various branches of digital health, terminology, learning objectives, optimal approach to training, duration, evaluation method and structure, was considered. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the importance of digital health in society. Doctors must be properly prepared to work in a new environment, where a greater share of medical care is provided by digital methods, which involves the use of digital technologies, and determines the priority need for future medical workers to acquire the relevant competencies necessary to work with remote consultation models, eHealth systems, processing of medical data.


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How to Cite

Batyuk, L., & Zhernovnykova, O. (2022). Modern educational digital competence of future doctors of Poland as a European state. New Collegium, 3(108), 55–65.


