Економічна школа І.Ф. Прокопенка





H.S. Skovoroda KhNPU, Ivan Fedorovych Prokopenko


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main directions of development and assets of the economic school of KhNPU, which is connected with the name of its founder – outstanding scientist in the field of economics, philosophy of education, rector of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (1980-2020), a full-time member of the National Academy Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ivan Fedorovich Prokopenko (1936 – 2021). The economic school with an original view on essential modern and promising problems of economics and education was created under his talented leadership. The scientific activity of the founder of the economic school and the scientists-economists focused on the questions of economics: transformation of economic systems, development of the national economy, global economy, socioeconomy and management, history of economic thought, methodology of economic education, development of programs and standards for economic education, innovative pedagogical technologies for training a modern teacher. The I.F. Prokopenko School of Economics is a vivid example of the corporate form of organizing the scientific activity of teachers, scientists, practicing economists in modern conditions, in which researchers united on the basis of the latest research program around the recognized leader. His innovative approach, active research position, far-sightedness in the analysis of the prospects of socio-economic and educational development of Ukrainian society contributed to the creation of a scientific school of economic education and education of schoolchildren, intensification of student's educational activities, introduction of new pedagogical technologies and didactic provision of economics courses.This School reasoned expediency of formation of economic knowledge, economic culture among students and pupils by introducing educational innovative subjects into school programs in modern economic conditions. The scientific concept of multi-level general-pedagogical training of specialists at all educational levels in specialty 051 "Economics" was developed. The property of the I.F.Prokopenko School of Economics have attracted the attention of the pedagogical community and have spread to many institutions of higher education in Ukraine and beyond.


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How to Cite

Solar, V., & Radchenko, L. (2022). Економічна школа І.Ф. Прокопенка. New Collegium, 3(108), 42–49. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2022.3.42


