Partneship is a constant of vitality Ivan Prokopenka`s and Grigory Skovorody`s


  • Keran Xie Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди, Ukraine



cultural compatibility, partnership, principle of historicism, university, synergistic approach, quality of education


The study of the professional work of Ivan Prokopenko and Grigory Skovoroda under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine will contribute to the establishment of partnership in the organization of the educational process, and the improvement of the quality of professional training. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and ways of implementing partnership on the example of the life and professional activity of Ivan Prokopenko and Grigory Skovoroda. To achieve the goal, comparative historical methods were used – to reveal the key points of understanding of partnership by teachers. The methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of historical facts are used to substantiate the ideas of partnership pedagogy. The retrospective method was used for creative interpretation of the results of the conducted research.In the article, the author revealed the idea of partnership based on synergistic and systemic approaches. Cultural relevance and the principle of historicism made it possible to characterize partnership as a dynamic phenomenon that is determined by social factors. The article emphasizes that the idea of "equal to equal" democracy is important in partner interaction, unconditional equality in the right to express one's position, respect for another point of view, trust and goodwill in communication and interaction are recognized. The value of tacit knowledge and experience, mutual demand is also recognized.In the article, the author substantiated that Grigory Skovoroda set an example of socially significant partnership and humanity in the Kharkiv Collegium, private teaching. The main positions of Grigory Skovoroda's pedagogical partnership are highlighted: personal dialogue in forms of educational interaction; friendly conversation, correspondence in extracurricular time to encourage self-discovery, self-immersion, self-analysis; simulation of life situations, choice situations with a projection for success.Value orientations of partnership pedagogy according to Ivan Prokopenko: respect, benevolence, trust, dialogue and distributed leadership. He approved the partnership in all forms of educational, educational, professional and research work at G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University on the basis of the philosophy of the heart, humane pedagogy. The article states that in his activities, Ivan Prokopenko used the principles of trust and openness in professional communications, respect and recognition of the self-worth of each individual. He successfully applied the practice of distributed leadership, in all horizons of connections and activities of the university.Common aspects of the pedagogical partnership of Ivan Prokopenko and Grigory Skovoroda: careful attitude to the student, understanding of the self-worth of a person, cordocentric living of success and failure.As a promising direction for further research, we offer a comparison of the ideas of partnership in the work of Confucius and modern practices of partnership in educational institutions of Ukraine and China.


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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди. Офіційна сторінка:



How to Cite

Xie, K. (2022). Partneship is a constant of vitality Ivan Prokopenka`s and Grigory Skovorody`s. New Collegium, 3(108), 17–20.


