Some aspects of using infographics to improve the effectiveness of online testing in tactical disciplines




effectiveness of online testing, infographics, information and graphic competencies, methodical recommendations, adaptive tests


Considered the possibilities of test control with the use of infographics are considered, which allow: to take into account specific features of the discipline; solve the problem of improving the perception, understanding and memorization of information; compactly provide large amounts of information; to strengthen the motivation to study the discipline; intensify the learning process; to realize the creative potential of cadets (students) and teachers through educational material.

The analysis results and generalization are presented of the experience of conducting online testing of the level of formation of information and graphic competencies of cadets (students) are given. The advantages and disadvantages of closed-loop testing are analyzed. Technological and methodical recommendations on development and application of online tests with tasks in the graphic form are formulated.

There is a positive impact of online testing using elements of infographics not only on the quality of control of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the formation of professional culture of future military lawyers in the process of training in the specialty.

The ways of improving the effectiveness of online tests in tactical disciplines are proposed: including tasks in graphical form in tests; the use of adaptive tests; exclusion of borrowing schemes (illustrations) to tasks from educational literature; orientation of tasks to the practical component of the acquired knowledge; use for online control, in addition to closed tests, practical tasks in an open form, etc.


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How to Cite

Zmiivskiy , H., Petruk , O., & Puhach , V. . (2021). Some aspects of using infographics to improve the effectiveness of online testing in tactical disciplines . New Collegium, 1(103), 90–94.


