Pedagogy of partnership with social institutions as a significant factor of interaction of participants in the educational process between educational institutions and preschool institutions in the training of future educators




partnership pedagogy, partnership interaction, social institutions, participants in the educational process, social and pedagogical partnership, future educators, interaction between educational institutions and family, model of partnership interaction, training of future educators


The article considers aspects of pedagogical partnership between participants in the educational process in educational institutions and preschool institutions as an effective factor of interaction. The article analyzes the principles, opportunities and ways of partnership pedagogy as a system of effective interaction between teachers, educators and parents for the purpose of personal development of participants in the educational process. The concepts of "partnership", "partnership pedagogy", "social institutions" in the system of relations between all participants in the educational process (teachers, future educators, employees of preschool educational institutions, parents) are revealed. The paper focuses on the criteria that determine the effectiveness of the idea of developing partnership relations as the most productive system of relations in the context of pedagogical interaction.

The article highlights the social and pedagogical partnership as a separate form of social interaction of an educational institution with individuals and the importance of the determining role of a higher educational institution in the implementation of its personal and developmental functions in the training of future educators, which includes family, teachers, and the administration of educational institutions. The article considers the purpose and objectives of social and pedagogical partnership as the establishment of partnership relations between participants in the educational process to determine the value orientations of joint activities and ways to achieve partnership. The issues of organization and social and pedagogical partnership as the most effective form of involving parents in the structure of technology, designing a model of partnership interaction between educational institutions and family in the training of future educators are outlined and justified.


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How to Cite

Bakay , S. . (2021). Pedagogy of partnership with social institutions as a significant factor of interaction of participants in the educational process between educational institutions and preschool institutions in the training of future educators . New Collegium, 1(103), 84–89.


