Rhetorical culture as an integral component of pedagogical masterpiece


  • O. Bielikova
  • S. Dytiuk
  • O. Tesalovskaya




lecturer`s professional competence, language training, foreign students, universities of technical profile, lecturer's personality, rhetorical masterpiece, lecturer's cultural and language literacy, communicative, perceptive and interactive skills


The article deals with structural compounds of lecturer's rhetorical culture, its role in forming of professionaly oriented person. Lecturer's cultural and language literacy forms a style of pedagogical communication, a culture of his speaking behavior, and that exerts influence on learning process, on forming students' skills, on their personalities.

The theoretical bases of diagnostics and determination of the results of the formation of professional competencies of language training lecturer`s for foreign citizens as the actual pedagogical problem in universities of technical profile were investigated and substantiated. In the conditions of socio-economic changes in Ukraine, the improvement of higher professional education system, in the process of introducing new requirements and standards of education, there are significant transformations in the system "lecturer-to-student". Changes in the first place concern perception of lecturer, the system of role expectations regarding the leading qualities of the lecturer changes.

Strengthening the attention to the issues of diagnosing the level of proficiency of language training lecturers of professional competences, as a modern trend requires not only scientifically based tools for continuous measurement, analysis and improvement of evaluation of educational results of students' professional training, but also a new look at the system of pedagogical diagnostics. System diagnostics based on a competent approach should become a key and crosscutting component of monitoring the quality of vocational training of language training specialists in universities of technical profile.


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How to Cite

Bielikova, O., Dytiuk, S., & Tesalovskaya, O. (2020). Rhetorical culture as an integral component of pedagogical masterpiece. New Collegium, 4(102), 118–121. https://doi.org/10.30837/nc.2020.4.118


