Formation of urban planning thinking as one of the priority areas of activity of the Department of Urban Planning and Urbanism


  • O. Vigdorovich



town-planning thinking, town-planning, urbanism, socio-cultural environment of the city, industrial building


The article covers the history of the creation and development of the Department of Urban Planning and Urbanism of the Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. There is a retrospective of the long-term work of the department staff timed to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the university. The interpretation of the formation of the urban planning format of thinking, as a powerful lever for the training of architects and urban planners, is demonstrated in different areas of scientific, educational, methodological and professional work of the department.

The main task of the pedagogical work of the department was the preparation of specialists of a new formation for work in many areas related to urban planning and architectural design, this is the training of specialists of educational qualification levels "Bachelor" and "Master" in specialty 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning".

Scientific research of the department staff is carried out in the following areas: urban sociology, transport systems, urban ecology, urban systems, streamlining engineering and transport networks of urban systems, urban development management, the introduction of systemic and synergetic approaches in the formation of urban planning systems, rational methods of building and reconstruction of cities and villages in Ukraine.

Within the framework of the topic of improving the architectural environment and urban planning space of modern cities, studies are being carried out on the formation of the planning structure and spatial composition of Kharkov during the period of industrial and post-industrial development and the analysis of the implementation of urban planning concepts in the microdistrict development of Kharkov.

The development of urban planning thinking, as the formation of a special structure of professional consciousness, is one of the main tasks of the work of the team of the Department of Urban Planning and Urbanism of KNUSA.


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How to Cite

Vigdorovich, O. (2020). Formation of urban planning thinking as one of the priority areas of activity of the Department of Urban Planning and Urbanism. New Collegium, 4(102), 81–84.


