The dual form of education is an embodied reality


  • Y. Zhuravlov



dual form of education, pilot project, integrated model, individual educational trajectory


The organizational principles and results of the implementation of the pilot project of dual form of education for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" are considered. A brief retrospective look at the history of dual education is given. A comparative analysis of the institutional, individual and dual forms of education according to the most popular professional competencies in the modern labor market is given.

Recommendations of the Working Group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the organization of dual education, the procedure for enrollment of students in dual education, the peculiarities of the implementation of this form of education. The enterprises that took part in the pilot project on the basis of the memorandum of cooperation are identified. The results of a pilot project on the organization and implementation of the dual form of education at the Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture are presented.

For the practical implementation of the dual form of education, an integrated model was chosen – a model of a divided week, which provides for training two days a week in an educational institution, three days – in the workplace at the enterprise.

The step-by-step algorithm of introduction of dual education is offered, practically worked out during realization of the pilot project, components of efficiency of such form of receiving education are defined.

The connection of the pilot project with the Licensing conditions for the educational activities of educational institutions in terms of recognition of the qualifications of research and teaching staff in the relevant specialty is shown. It is proposed to use the experience of the pilot project for other technical specialties.


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How to Cite

Zhuravlov , Y. . (2020). The dual form of education is an embodied reality . New Collegium, 4(102), 71–75.


