Innovative technologies for designing communication lines, geodetic support for the construction industry and improving the efficiency of specialist training


  • E. Ugnenko
  • E. Uzhviieva
  • O. Tymchenko



innovative technologies, communication lines, geodetic support, construction industry, methodological principles


In the article it has been analyzed that modern innovative technologies for designing communication lines, geodetic support for the construction industry require solving a wide range of problems associated with the creation of state geodetic networks and the basis for cartographic and topographic surveys. It has been established that to solve current issues on the use of geographic information systems and technologies in engineering surveys, highly qualified specialists in geodetic support of the construction industry, cadastral works and land management are needed.

The basic methodological principles of training specialists in geodetic support of the construction industry are considered. Based on the proposed concept, a list of basic functions is formulated, algorithms and models for solving problems of optimizing the educational process of the university are developed.


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How to Cite

Ugnenko, E., Uzhviieva , E., & Tymchenko , O. (2020). Innovative technologies for designing communication lines, geodetic support for the construction industry and improving the efficiency of specialist training. New Collegium, 3(101), 79–83.


