New Collegium <p>«Новий Колегіум» видається за сприяння Ради ректорів вищих навчальних закладів Харківської області та Харківського університетського консорціуму, за підтримки Департаменту науки і освіти Харківської обласної державної адміністрації.</p><p>Концепція видання передбачає побудову єдиного інформаційного простору в галузі освіти, висвітлення можливостей українських та зарубіжних закладів освіти усіх форм і типів, популяризацію нових освітніх технологій тощо. За результатами Всеукраїнського конкурсу «Вища школа-2008» «Новий Колегіум» нагороджено Дипломом 1 ступеня з врученням золотої медалі.</p> Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics en-US New Collegium 1562-529X Human pedagogy of Grigory Vashchenko <p>Hryhoriy Vaschenko are prominent Ukrainian pedagogue-humanist and psychologist and writer and public leader. Vashchenko builds education on respect to inner world of personality. The teacher criticized the authoritarian system of education. Because authoritarian education is suppressing the children's will. Therefore Vaschenko was a supporter of humane pedagogy. Humane education creates all the conditions for his creative self-expression and self-affirmation of personality.</p> <p>Hryhoriy Vaschenko preferred active teaching methods that awaken the student's thoughts, feelings and imagination. The game methods and research methods are basis of active teaching methods. Vaschenko created laboratories and experiment stations in school.</p> <p>Hryhoriy Vaschenko paid great attention to the aesthetic development of the personality. Children admired of colorful views of native land. Pupils enjoyed singing of birds and smell of flowers and taste of vegetables and fruits. Beauty of surrounding world awakened aspiration to creativity in children. Pupils drew and singed and danced and invented. Children studied works of famous artists. Pupils revealed world of deep feelings and heroic actions. Children learned with interest and with animation under influence of art.</p> <p>The love for the native land has very important place in Vaschenko School. Teacher with children take part in expedition for research of Ukrainian folklore. The folk fairy-tales and songs and dances and dumas are very interesting material for children. Study of folklore assisted for awakening in pupils interest to Ukraine culture and history of native land.</p> <p>Vashchenko advocated the idea of pupil’s self-government in school. Children created pupil’s councils as alternative of pedagogical councils. Pupils expressed his vision on contents and methods of education. Hryhoriy Vaschenko aspired to education of free and independent and creative personality.</p> O. Ponomaryov M. Cheremsky Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 3 16 10.30837/nc.2023.4.03 The investment component of the formation of the modern structure of the economy of Ukraine in the post-war period <p>The article is devoted to the problematic aspects of building a modern economic system, the directions of its structural modernization, and the investment component of structural transformation processes. The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of structural transformations in the economy of Ukraine in the post-war period and clarify their investment support.The actualization of the research issues is explained by the lack of quality structural reforms during the entire period of Ukraine’s independence, the presence of weak incentives from both national and foreign investors, and the conservatism of investment directions. These questions become especially significant in connection with the discourse on the post-war development of the country as a result of the unprecedented military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine.The economic system formed during the formation of independent Ukraine is characterized by the predominant development of raw materials industries, a low specific weight of innovative industries of the economy. During the entire period of formation and functioning of the market economy in our country, the economic model that ensured "growth without development" prevailed.If the main political prerequisite for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine's economy is obtaining reliable security guarantees with the impossibility of repeating military aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, then the basic basis for building a modern economic system is investment.In the process of reconstruction, investment support should be directed precisely at the fundamental modernization of the economic structure, in particular industry, and the introduction of the latest technologies.</p> I. Todrina S. Yevsieiev Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 17 22 10.30837/nc.2023.4.17 Educational process – conveyor or artificial production? <p>The article considers some issues of implementation of the educational process in modern conditions. Among the factors that determine the current state of the educational process and significantly affect its further development is the commercialization of education. The main focus is on the technical side of the commercialization of education. The specified technical side of the commercialization of education is considered from the point of view of the maximum approximation of the process of providing educational services to the process of any mass material production. An attempt was made to imagine the training of large groups of students in the form of continuous production using the principle of division of labor proposed by Adam Smith as a way to reduce the cost of the product and increase production productivity. Training was presented as a continuous process with a "series of technological" operations, such as conducting different types of training sessions, which are performed by different operators – teachers. Along with a number of advantages in any decision, there are always consequences that are tried to get rid of or avoid. In this case, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to take into account the individual characteristics of an individual buyer. Due to various circumstances, such as the appearance and disappearance of some professions, the gaining of popularity of some and the loss of attractiveness of others, a situation with the presence of small groups of students may arise. In the case of small groups of students, it may be appropriate to form educational plans and programs taking this feature into account. Also, additional factors, such as the remote form of providing educational services, the impact of using various software products during classes, the asynchronous learning mode of individual students, etc., were not overlooked. Despite the rather long history of the implementation of various schemes and methods aimed at transforming the educational sphere with special functions of society and the state into one that can be self-sufficient and profitable, there are many unresolved issues at various stages of their implementation.</p> O. Riazantsev Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 23 27 10.30837/nc.2023.4.23 «Necessary» violations of democracy under the marital state regime in Ukraine <p>The large-scale invasion of Russia caused changes in the legal field of Ukraine. It is noted that martial law is a special legal regime introduced in Ukraine or in some of its localities in the event of armed aggression or threat of attack, danger to the state independence of Ukraine. The rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, which are limited in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the russian federation, are described in detail. Social relations during the operation of the state of emergency are created by «emergency» legislation.</p> <p>A historical analysis of the formation of «emergency» legislation by states that existed on the territory of Ukrainian lands was carried out. Such first examples refer to the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. These were Lithuanian statutes. Certain notions of martial law were in the Constitution of Pylyp Orlika during the Hetmanship period. Since the second half of the 19th century, most of the Ukrainian lands were captured by the Russian Empire. The higher authorities of Russia have repeatedly imposed martial law in response to riots. Their reasons were socio-economic and political factors. The national liberation revolution in Ukraine in 1917 – 1920 led to the adoption of a number of laws aimed at stabilizing the social and military situation. It was, for example, the Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic of April 29, 1918. In order to maintain political power, the Bolsheviks passed laws on "state of emergency". In the post-war years, such laws were not adopted. After the declaration of independence in Ukraine, laws on the regulation of special legal regimes were adopted. These were the laws of 1992, 2000 and 2015. The martial law of democratic Ukraine has a legal character and clear boundaries, terms of application and necessary restrictions for citizens of Ukraine. The rationale for the restriction of the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the conditions of the modern state of war is given.</p> O. Oliinyk O. Soloshenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 28 34 10.30837/nc.2023.4.28 Innovative technologies in landscape design: preserving the environment and creating a comfortable space in the post-war period <p>This work defines the main innovative technologies in landscape design, their impact on the preservation of the environment and the creation of a comfortable space in the post-war period. An analysis of the positive and negative impact of innovative technologies on landscape design and the determination of the possibilities of their further use was also carried out.</p> <p>The article discusses modern trends in landscape design and their impact on environmental protection.</p> <p>Innovative technologies in landscape design, such as the use of green technologies, water elements, walls with living plants, etc., are analyzed.</p> <p>The impact of landscape design on people's health and the creation of a comfortable space for their rest and entertainment is considered.</p> <p>Practical examples of the use of innovative technologies in landscape design, which ensure the preservation of the environment and the creation of a comfortable space, are given.</p> <p>The use of innovative technologies in landscape design is very important for preserving natural resources and creating a comfortable space for people's lives. These technologies make it possible to create more ecologically stable and energy-efficient objects of landscape design, which ensures an increase in the quality of life in cities and other settlements.</p> <p>The application of green technologies, such as the use of local and climate-adapted plants, the creation of ecological drainage systems and water conservation, allows to reduce the impact on the environment and preserve biological diversity.</p> <p>Innovative technologies can also be used to create a comfortable space for people. For example, the use of lighting control and sound control systems makes it possible to provide comfortable conditions for people's living and recreation. In addition, the creation of recreation areas using innovative technologies, such as "smart" furniture and decor elements, allows you to create a space that promotes recovery and relaxation.</p> <p>Innovative technologies in landscape design can be aimed at preserving natural ecosystems in the post-war period.</p> V. Teslenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 35 40 10.30837/nc.2023.4.35 Adherence to the principle of natural correspondence according to H. S. Skovoroda in the organization of team interaction among students <p>The idea of natural correspondence is one of the most fundamental in didactics and the personality’s theory of education. According to A. Diesterweg, the principle of natural correspondence is the basic principle of human education, according to which «education should be based on a scientific understanding of natural and social processes by the general laws of nature and society». The article notes that the principle of natural correspondence in education involves taking into account the multifaceted and holistic nature of the student, namely, his or her anatomical, physiological, psychological, age, and genetic characteristics.</p> <p>It is highlighted that when organizing team interaction of students, it is important to understand the essence and nature of each team member, to take into account the interests and individual characteristics of each, their age and psychological changes, natural abilities, and acquired competencies. When organizing team interaction, for example, when working on a collective creative activity or project, the teacher should take into account the needs, interests, wishes, talents, and skills of everyone to achieve a common goal and the effectiveness of activities inherent in team interaction.</p> <p>It is noted that working with a team involves, first of all, the identification by the team leader of the personal qualities of each member, creating conditions for the identification of personal talents and potentialities, cooperating and constantly keeping in touch with the families of students, which corresponds to the pedagogical views of H.S. Skovoroda.</p> <p>Adhering to the views of H. S. Skovoroda's natural correspondence, the article identifies methods of forming team interaction of students: «good» (using fables, parables, philosophical treatises, aphorisms, etc.) instructions, eradication of bad habits, conversation, explanation, example, advice, etc. While forming team interaction of students, it is necessary to consider the natural inclinations and dispositions of each team member as much as possible. And this should be done primarily through the joint efforts of parents, teachers, and society in the unity of mental, moral, and Technology education.</p> O. Bashkir L. Zelenska Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 41 46 10.30837/nc.2023.4.41 The use of internet resources in the self-education of schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning <p>The effectiveness of distance learning depends significantly on the development of self-education skills and abilities in students. The article is devoted to establishing the problems of using Internet resources in the self-education of schoolchildren in conditions of distance learning. An online survey was conducted, in which 109 respondents (students of grades 7 – 9 of general secondary education institutions of the city of Kharkiv) took part. It was established that in the conditions of distance learning, the main means of self-education of students are internet resources. For the productive use of internet resources in self-education in the conditions of distance learning, it is necessary to ensure their adaptation to use on various types of mobile devices as the main digital tool of students. At the same time, for those students who generally have limited access to digital devices, it is important to provide them with the opportunity to use them in schools, educational centers, and libraries. Despite the fact that the interest of students during distance learning in certain educational subjects is quite high, their awareness of the types of internet resources that can be used for education and self-study is insufficient. The most promising and modern types of them (virtual laboratories, online museums and libraries, online courses) are used to a limited extent and need popularization. Educational internet resources are still not sufficiently used during distance learning in school lessons and for homework, which determines the need for additional purposeful formation of students' abilities and skills to work with them. Establishing the conditions for the formation of self-educational competence of students, taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of self-education of students during the modern realities of the organization of the educational process in educational institutions, is a promising direction for further scientific research.</p> I. Maistriuk N. Ponomarova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 47 53 10.30837/nc.2023.4.47 A distance learning course as a means of informational and methodological support for the independent work of higher education applicants during the study of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of the organization of the educational process in a higher education institution with the use of distance learning courses as a means of informational and methodological support for the independent work of applicants during the study of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle. Attention is drawn to the fact that independent work should be carried out by the learner as a cognitive activity, become a means of educating such personal qualities as independence, activity, form a creative attitude to the information being learned. It is shown that the search for new means and methods of learning leads to the fact that the tasks of maximum assimilation of scientific information, and the formation of the ability to think creatively and independently acquire new knowledge, are put first. It is concluded that the use of distance learning courses posted on the Moodle platform for the effective organization of independent work of students can be considered as a fairly effective means of its management. The use of distance educational technologies during the study of humanitarian disciplines by students of higher education allows developers to create content within the framework of such a course in which the scope of tasks is clearly defined and educational materials oriented to independent learning are placed; set a learning trajectory with a clear sequence of tasks in accordance with the curriculum; carry out their inspection and organize a mutual inspection; ensure communication between the teacher and course participants. The experience of practical work confirms the promising development of the blended learning model, which in modern conditions is considered optimal for the effective transfer of knowledge and management of the educational process, as it allows to harmoniously combine the advantages of classroom classes and electronic learning technologies.</p> O. Honcharova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 54 59 10.30837/nc.2023.4.54 Transformation of the classical educational process: effective strategies and tools for conducting distance lessons <p>The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of the classical educational process, namely: the use of new digital spaces, effective distance learning strategies, new formats in education, the development of digital modernization, progress in modern education and technologies. Also, the expression of available digital results in the information environment and the use of the necessary means and tools for distance learning.</p> <p>The article also reveals the problem of using artificial intelligence as an assistant in the online format, which demonstrates the transformation of the traditional model of education. Addressing the problem of the effectiveness of strategies during distance lessons is important for revealing the main forms of online communication and various web resources.</p> <p>The transformation of the classical educational process helps to improve the digital skills of both the teacher and the student. Thanks to the raised problem, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of "artificial intelligence", its possibilities to work in the educational field; analyze in detail what tools can be used during distance learning and, of course, find out what additional assistants (created on the basis of AI) can be useful during the online format.</p> <p>The article examines the aspect of online communication, which helps the teacher to find the right approach to the student during learning, and the student to gain knowledge effectively. The distance format gives the student the opportunity to work with various applications in practice, to try to get an education "in a non-classical way" and to start mastering technologies from an early age. Undoubtedly, the topic discussed will help students, scientific and pedagogical workers when writing scientific papers.</p> T. Sobchenko V. Fedorenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 60 65 10.30837/nc.2023.4.60 The use of Google's digital tools in the organization of distance learning for students of higher education in the conditions of martial law <p>The article shows that in the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion, when face-to-face training of education seekers is virtually impossible, distance learning has become the only available form in the education system.</p> <p>The problems of distance learning and characteristic features that play a role in choosing a modern platform for the implementation of distance learning are considered. The capabilities of digital tools based on the Coursera, Udemy, Zoom Meetings for Education, Moodle, and Google Workspace for Education platforms were analyzed. The capabilities of these platforms and the tools they use to organize the educational process are considered.</p> <p>Special attention is paid to Google's digital tools, such as Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Meet, Google Cytes, Google Keep, and their capabilities are shown in comparison with similar platforms of global companies that have offered free access to their licensed tools for organizing remote and mixed education of Ukrainian students of professional higher education.</p> <p>It is shown how digital tools help ensure constant communication, collaboration and access to educational materials for students of higher education, increase their activity, mobility, adaptability.</p> O. Pechertsev O Blagovestova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 66 70 10.30837/nc.2023.4.66 State audit: qualification requirements and guidelines for a future specialist <p>Modern factors influencing the organization of the educational component of audit activity are analyzed. The need for new training requirements for contemporary audit specialists is established. The systemic advancements in information and telecommunication technologies, data storage, processing technologies, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are drastically transforming business processes in both the public and private sectors of the economy. These shifts are creating unprecedented conditions for audit processes. A definition of the state IT audit is provided, and the objectives and tasks of the state audit in the realm of information technologies are dissected. An examination of the present status of regulatory and methodological prerequisites for audit activity was undertaken. It has been discerned that contemporary audit activity requirements encapsulate the essence and practical facets of current audit methods. These stipulations characterize the auditor as a professional possessing a harmonious blend of knowledge, capturing the theoretical, practical, methodological, and technological facets of current audit process assurances. The prevailing directions for formulating and advancing professional standards in audit activities have been identified. The determinants for enhancing the professional expertise of aspiring auditors are elucidated. One pivotal contemporary factor in ensuring audit quality is the adoption of the latest practices, methodologies, and strategies. A concise review of GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance) practices is presented, with the advantages of this approach being spotlighted. From the findings of the analysis undertaken, pathways for fostering the competencies of a modern auditor have been outlined. These pathways span educational and methodological, scientific research, and professional orientation dimensions. A representation of audit competency is proposed. It is emphasized that sculpting the professional competencies of a contemporary auditor, positioned to thrive in the job market, mandates a profound and holistic strategy.</p> O. Kuchma Y. Kotukh Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 71 77 10.30837/nc.2023.71 The theory of solving inventive tasks and its application in institutions of higher education <p>The article is devoted to the actual problem of the formation of a creative approach in teaching technically oriented disciplines, and the relationship between the elements of the creative approach and the algorithmic elements of the classical approach to problem solving in the educational process of higher educational institutions. It was determined that the state of the issue in higher educational institutions is developing and constantly improving, and there is also an opportunity to direct the development of the educational process in the necessary direction. This organization of the educational process allows us to dynamically influence student learning and analyze the obtained results without harming the final result. The analysis of approaches to the organization of stimulating the development of creative endowments in invention is considered. Approaches to the formation of students' inventive skills during education are also analyzed. The relationship between the development of students' inventive skills and the formation of their creative abilities and potential has been revealed. Considered the theory of H.S. Altshuler and his substantiation of the process of achieving a solution to an inventive task in an algorithmized form, as well as the main stages of solving a problem in this theory, features of its application and key issues in its implementation. A conclusion was made about the expediency of the development of the educational process in higher educational institutions aimed at applying the theory of solving the inventive task and stimulating the development of the creative component in student education.</p> O. Sinyaeva M. Krekot T. Sychova A. Sychov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 78 82 10.30837/nc.2023.4.78 Formation of basic professional competences of higher education acguires as a pedagogical problem <p>The article is devoted to the problem of forming basic professional competences of higher education applicants. The aim of the article is to analyse the process of formation of basic professional competencies of higher education students in the context of transformational challenges.</p> <p>Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the main approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to the interpretation of the phenomenon of "competence" are allocated. It has been found that the basic professional competencies of a higher education applicant are an appropriate level of professional training that ensures the ability and readiness of an individual to effectively perform professional activities.</p> <p>It is determined that in the process of forming the basic professional competencies of higher education students in the context of the transformation of the educational process, such changes as expanding educational opportunities, promoting the quality of higher education, creating a personality-oriented environment, and improving learning outcomes should be taken into account.</p> <p>The following aspects of the progress of artificial intelligence in the system of higher professional education are outlined: the software is able to automatically adjust the content of textbooks in accordance with user requests and educational goals; access to virtual language instructors, which is relevant with the introduction of bilingual education in Ukraine; automatic assessment of composition, i.e. by collecting data, it is possible to calculate the course content, learning strategies, etc.</p> <p>It is concluded that the main trends in changing the tasks of higher education are as follows.</p> T. Panteleimonova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 83 87 10.30837/nc.2023.4.83 Main traits of distance education in high school (on the example of studying the discipline “Physics”) <p>In the conditions of martial law, in which the citizens of Ukraine has found themselves since February 2022, distance education, unfortunately, has become one of the leading forms of the educational process. Distance education is not a new technology. However, it can implement a number of principles of lifelong learning and satisfy the ever-growing demand for knowledge in the information society.</p> <p>The paper analyzes main traits of the implementation of distance learning in the educational process of a higher education during the period of martial law, using the example of teaching physics. Specific features of the organization of teaching under martial law conditions are defined. Attention is focused on the fact that the organization of the educational process depends on the security situation in each region, access to the INTERNET network and the availability of technical means (computer, mobile devices, etc.). These factors determine the choice of teaching format (synchronous, asynchronous).</p> <p>Certain electronic platforms, for example, Google-Meet and Google Classroom, became the basis of the organization of teaching process in higher education institutions, in particular in institutions of technical orientation. These platforms provided interaction between the participants of the educational process during the martial law in Ukraine. The exchange of information between teachers and students also takes place by means of the Zoom video conference system and communication through available messengers (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber).</p> <p>This allows to establish active connection between the participants of the educational process (student – student, student – scientific and pedagogical personnel), which becomes the basis of social aspects of communication and strengthens the motivational basis of the educational process.</p> <p>Particular attention is focused on the specifics of the working conditions of scientific and pedagogical personnel: teachers must spend more time preparing for classes, adapt teaching methods to the new format (prepare on-line courses, shoot video materials, organize relevant educational and methodological materials, write on-line textbooks).</p> <p>Attention was drawn to the fact that under modern conditions of the educational process, the relevance of the teacher's functions as the main source of information was gradually lost. All this requires the search for more effective means of learning, which would perform the following functions in the educational process: informing, forming, systematizing, controlling and motivating.</p> S. Dansheva Y. Zayonchkovskiy D. Cherednik A. Cherednik A. Titov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 88 92 10.30837/nc.2023.4.88 Methodological perspectives of using Ulrich Beck's society's concept of risk for the training of higher education students in sociology <p>The article argues the thesis about the potential of U. Beck's concept of risk society as a methodological basis of the educational course for students of higher education in the specialty "Sociology", which aims to produce knowledge, soft skills and competences capable of ensuring the effectiveness of the adoption of civic, professional and managerial decisions by future specialists.</p> <p>Based on the research of primary sources, the authors try to analyze the basic views of the classics of this sociological direction on the social nature of risk as a constituent of social in modern societies, the essence of which is that the "positive" logic of social production, which prevailed in industrial society, consisted in the accumulation and distribution of wealth , is increasingly overlapped (suppressed) by the "negative" logic of risk production and distribution. Ultimately, the expanding production of risks undermines the very principle of market economy and private property, as the produced public wealth is systematically devalued and expropriated.</p> <p>The diversity of the roles of science in the formation of the ideology and politics of modern society is considered. The concept of "risk society" claims that with the expansion of the production of risks, the role of science in social life and politics changes significantly, because most of the risks generated by the successes of scientific and technical modernization, and the most dangerous (radioactive and chemical pollution, uncontrolled consequences of genetic engineering) are not directly perceived by human senses. Hence, experts responsible for determining the degree of riskiness of new technologies and technical systems, as well as mass media that disseminate knowledge about them, "acquire key social and political positions."</p> <p>The article argues the thesis about the potential of U. Beck; concept of risk society as a methodological basis of the educational course for students of higher education in the specialty; Sociology, which aims to produce knowledge, soft skills and competences capable of ensuring the effectiveness of the adoption of civic, professional and managerial decisions by future specialists.</p> <p>Based on the research of primary sources, the authors try to analyze the main views of the classics of this sociological direction on the social nature of risk as a constituent of social in modern societies, the essence of which is that the "positive" logic of social production, which prevailed in industrial society, consisted in accumulation and distribution wealth, is increasingly overlapped (suppressed) by the "negative" logic of production and distribution of risks. Ultimately, the expanding production of risks undermines the very principle of market economy and private property, as the produced public wealth is systematically devalued and expropriated.</p> <p>The variety of roles of science in the formation of ideology and politics of modern society is considered. The concept of "risk society" claims that with the expansion of the production of risks, the role of science in social life and politics changes significantly, because most of the risks generated by the successes of scientific and technical modernization, and the most dangerous ones (radioactive and chemical pollution, uncontrolled consequences of genetic engineering) are not perceived directly human senses. Hence, specialists responsible for determining the degree of riskiness of new technologies and technical systems, as well as mass media that disseminate knowledge about them, "acquire key social and political positions".</p> O. Boriushkina N. Bondar Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 93 97 10.30837/nc.2023.4.93 "ABC OF COGNITION" of the basics of fine arts as an important aspect of educating children of preschool and primary school age in the pedagogical heritage of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky (to the 105th anniversary of his birth) <p>The article discusses the problem of relevance and importance of the component of aesthetic education, in particular fine arts for children of preschool and primary school age in the heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher Vasyl Sukhomlynsky. Important issues regarding the upbringing of a comprehensively developed personality in the context of the spirituality of the younger generation of our time are outlined and revealed.</p> <p>In the article, the author emphasizes the importance of studying the pedagogical heritage of the Ukrainian scientist and teacher, his statements and advice to educators, primary school teachers regarding the disclosure of the individuality of each child in classes and lessons in drawing, to see the natural abilities and talents of children, to involve them in the world of creativity and fantasy to reveal important features of spirituality, for self-realization in further life.</p> S. Bakay Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 4 112 98 103 10.30837/nc.2023.4.98